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Medical Insurance

Date:2020-11-09  Source:   ClickTimes:

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education of China, every international student who studies in China should be covered with a medical insurance and those studying for six months or longer should join the group medical insurance scheme designed by the university/college to meet the fundamental medical insurance standard.

The group comprehensive insurance plan for international students of Beijing University is underwritten byPingAnAnuity Insurance Company. For the details of the insurance, please refer to theInstructions of Insurance SchemesandOutlines of Insurance Scheme.

Students are required to pay for the insurance on time to ensure medical insurance coverage. A fee ofRMB 800 and RMB 400 is charged for one (1) year and six(6) months respectively. Any student who delays the payment may suffer possible losses such as the substantial shortening of the insurance coverage and medical bills within this period will be covered by the student himself/herself.

Medical Insurance Consultation Service

Service Line: 400-810-5119

In the coverage of the group medical insurance scheme, when an international student needs medical care due to illness or accident, he/she or the companion should call the service line for consultation providing the passport number to confirm the validity of insurance. The consultant will give instructions, or call a doctor to give medical advice when necessary.

Service Time

In Chinese: 24 hours

In English: 9:00-18:00

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