Sports Facilities
Beijing University of Technology has a good reputation for sports. Various sports facilities are provided on campus.
South Sports Field
Location: Next to No.7 and No. 8 student dormitory
North Sports Field
Location: Next to the swimming pool
Ping Pang Room
Location: Under the Grandstand of South Sports Field
Opening Hours: 15:00—22:00, Monday to Friday
9:00—22:00 Weekend, holiday
Fees: 5 yuan/hour for BJUT students and staff
Tennis court
Location: near South Sports Field
Opening Hours:
15:00--17:00, Monday to Friday
8:00--17:00(winter)Weekend and holiday
8:00—19:00(summer)Weekend and holiday
Football pitch
The football pitch is open for free use before 8am every evening, Monday to Friday. During weekends, reservation has to be made for holding football match and other big events, and is subjected to charges.
Olympic Gymnasium(Badminton)
Monday to Friday:08:00-18:00 10 yuan/hour18:00-22:00 60yuan/hour
Weekends and Holidays:08:00-22:00 60 yuan/hour